Backward Repeat Bar Assignment dialog box

How to get there

  1. Click the Repeat tool .
  2. Double-click a measure, then double-click either the "Back" or "Back Ending" repeat bar icons. Or, if a backward repeat barline is already in the score, double-click its handle, or right-click its handle and select Edit Repeat Assignment.

What it does

The two middle graphic repeat barline icons (Back and Back Ending) can be defined to affect the playback of your piece. The playback assignment is determined in this dialog box.

  • Play Section __ Times. Select this option and enter the number of times you would like this section to play. Because a standard repeat with one forward and one backward repeat barline (and no endings) plays back two times, "2" is entered by default.
  • Jump on Pass. Select this option and enter the pass(es) you want Finale to jump to the specified target. To indicate multiple passes, separate the pass numbers with commas, or indicate a range with a hyphen (e.g. "2-4").
  • Reset on Repeat Action. Once Finale has played the music the number of times specified in the Play Section __ Times or Jump on Pass(es) text boxes—and thus performed the Repeat Action—it will, if you wish, reset its internal "counter" back to zero and begin counting toward the Total Passes number again. This option could be useful if you’re creating nested repeats, and want an inner repeat to be fully executed with each pass of the larger repeated region.
  • Always Jump. Select this option to execute the repeat every time playback reaches the repeat barline.
  • Target Measure. The number in this text box specifies the measure Finale jumps to when playback reaches the repeat barline. From the drop-down menu, choose Nearest Forward Repeat to direct playback to the closest forward repeat barline defined earlier in your score. Choose Measure # and enter a number in the text box to direct playback to that measure. Choose Backward and enter the number of measures previous to the backward repeat barline that you would like to direct playback.
  • Show On: All Staves • This Staff Only. Select All Staves to show the text repeat on every staff in the score and parts. All Staves is selected by default. Select This Staff Only to assign the text repeat to the current staff only. Use the This Staff Only option if you want a text repeat to appear only in the current staff.
  • Staff List: New Staff List • (All defined Staff Lists); Edit. Select New Staff List to display the Staff List dialog box, where you define which staves will display text repeats. To select a Staff List already created for use in the score, choose its name from the drop-down menu. Click Edit to display the Staff List dialog box for the selected Staff List, and change which staves the text repeat should appear in.
  • Allow Individual Edits Per Staff for Ending Bracket. If you’ve selected the repeat barline with a bracket attached, Finale places an identical bracket in every staff. Check Allow Individual Edits Per Staff to allow each staff’s bracket to be moved or resized independently. Note, too, that a bracket may be stretched horizontally as long as needed. Note that if you drag the right end of an ending bracket across the right barline in the score, the positioning link will be broken in all parts. (This is a property unique to ending brackets). See "Linked Parts" for details.
  • OK • Cancel. Click OK (or press enter) to confirm the settings you’ve made in this dialog box and place the repeat sign in the score (if it wasn’t there already). Click Cancel to tell Finale to ignore any changes you made in this dialog box and return you to the score, and no repeat sign is placed (or, if you were editing an existing repeat, no changes take place).

See also:


Repeat Tool

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Finale 2014 for Windows

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