Quarter tones
You can create expressions with defined playback to alter the pitches of quarter tone notes. You will also need to create expressions that are defined for no altered playback, to stop the expression from effecting playback of notes following the altered pitch. You can also display quarter tones in your score by creating a quarter-tone scale or key signature.
- Choose the Expression tool and double-click above the desired note. The Expression Selection dialog box appears.
- Select the Miscellaneous category.
- Click Create Misc. Expression.
- For Description, type "One Quarter Tone Up."
- Click the Playback tab.
- Under Type, select Pitchwheel.
- Under Effect, choose Set to Value and type "341.3".
- Click OK.
This will create an expression with no display. Adding this expression will alter the pitch up by one quarter step. To alter the pitch down one quarter step, simply set the value to -341.3.
- Choose the Expression tool and double-click above the desired note. The Expression Selection dialog box appears.
- Select the Miscellaneous category.
- Click Create Misc. Expression.
- For Description, type "Three Quarter Tones Up."
- Click the Playback tab.
- Under Type, select Pitchwheel.
- Under Effect, choose Set to Value and type "1024".
- Click OK.
This will create an expression with no display. Adding this expression will alter the pitch up by three quarters of a step. To alter the pitch down three quarters of a step, simply set the value to -1024.
- Choose the Expression tool and double-click above the desired note. The Expression Selection dialog box appears.
- Select the Miscellaneous category.
- Click Create Misc. Expression.
- For Description, type "No Pitch Alteration."
- Click the Playback tab.
- Under Type, select Pitchwheel.
- Under Effect, choose Set to Value and type "0".
- Click OK.
This will create an expression with no display. Adding this expression will remove the pitch alteration set by the other expressions you have created. It will need to be added after any notes following the altered pitch expressions, to return to normal playback.