Additional PostScript Information dialog box
How to get there
- Choose File > Compile PostScript Listing.
- Click Specify Additional PostScript Information.
What it does
If you want to embed the date and another single line of identifying text into the code of your PostScriptA page-description language that computers and high-resolution printers use to communicate with each other. listing (as a reference), use this dialog box to enter the information. The information you type here doesn’t print out; in fact, you’ll only see this information if you open the PostScript listing with a word processor, where the information will appear in the header at the beginning of the listing.
- Date • For. In these text boxes, you can enter a date and a second line of identifying information (such as your name) that will be incorporated into the header of the resultant compiled PostScript file.
- OK • Cancel. Click OK to confirm, or Cancel to discard, the entries you’ve made in this dialog box and return to the Compile PostScript Listing dialog box.
See also: