View Continuous Data dialog box

How to get there

  1. Choose Window > Advanced Tools Palette. Choose the MIDI tool . The MIDI tool menu appears.
  2. Select a region of measures in a staff.
  3. Double-click the selected region to enter the MIDI tool split-window, if you want.
  4. Choose MIDI tool > Continuous Data.

What it does

The MIDI tool allows you to edit the values of any MIDI continuous dataContinuous Data is a broad MIDI term which includes both Controller data, such as volume or aftertouch, as well as patch, pedaling, and pitch wheel information. Continuous Data is not associated with particular notes, but is stored with measures. (controllers, wheels, and so on). In this dialog box, you specify the controller whose data you want to edit.

  • Controller ___. [Controller drop-down menu] In this text box you can specify a controller by entering its number, or use the drop-down menu to see a list of standard controller messages with a brief description. Here are some common controllers and their numbers:
  • CC# Controller
    1 Modulation wheel or lever
    2 Breath Controller
    4 Foot Controller
    7 Main volume
    10 Pan
    64 Sustain pedal
    65 Portamento
    66 Sostenuto
    67 Soft Pedal
  • Patch Changes • Channel Pressure • Pitch Wheel. Select the data you want to view and edit. When you click OK, you’ll be able to edit the specified data type. For instructions on editing these data types, see MIDI Tool window.
  • Listen. If you’re not sure of the number or name of the MIDI controller type whose data you want to edit, click Listen. Finale goes into listening mode until you "play" the controller; it then enters the correct controller number in the text box.
  • OK • Cancel. Click OK to confirm, or Cancel to discard, your controller selections. You return to the MIDI tool split-window or the score.

See also:

MIDI Tool menu

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Finale 2014 for Windows

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