Add - Note Durations dialog box

How to get there

  1. Choose Window > Advanced Tools Palette. Choose the MIDI tool .
  2. Choose MIDI tool > Note Durations. If you’re in the MIDI tool split-window, select the region you want to affect by dragging through the "graph" display area or by selecting the handlesA small square which appears on currently "selectable" elements in the score. Handles allow you to select, edit and adjust musical elements in the score. of individual notes whose MIDI data you want to edit.
  3. Select some measures. (If you’re editing a one-staff region, double-click to enter the MIDI tool split-window.)
  4. Choose MIDI tool > Add.

What it does

The Add dialog box’s contents change to reflect your MIDI data type selection (key velocities, note durations, or MIDI continuous data such as controllers and wheels). Its function is to add a fixed amount to (or subtract a fixed amount from) the duration of every note in the selected region. Because it adds an absolute amount to every selected note, the Add command preserves the relative proportions of the existing values.

  • Add ___. In this text box, enter the value you want added to the selected MIDI data values (key velocities, note durations, or MIDI controller settings) of all selected notes. Note that in any of the examples below, this value can be a positive or negative number. If you selected Note Durations, the number in this text box represents the number of EDUs, of which there are 1024 per quarter note, you want added to the Start and Stop Times of the selected notes. (See Start and Stop Times for a discussion of Start and Stop Times). You specify whether you want this value added to Start Times, Stop Times, or both by clicking one or both of the check boxes (see "Start Times/Stop Times," below).
  • Start Times • Stop Times. These two check boxes let you specify which MIDI data type you want to edit—either the Start Time (the difference between the notated attack of a note and the time you actually played it) or the Stop Time (the difference between the notated release of a note and the time you actually released it). If you select both check boxes, the effect of the Add command is to shift the playback of the entire note forward or backward in time.
  • OK • Cancel. Click OK to confirm, or Cancel to discard, the MIDI data changes you’ve specified. You return to the MIDI tool split-window (or the score).

See also:


MIDI Tool menu

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