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Search menu

How to get there

From the Window menu, choose Advanced Tools. Click the Note Mover tool , and click a measure. Select a handle by clicking it, several handles by SHIFT-clicking (or drag-enclosing) them, or all notes in the measure by choosing Select All from the Edit menu. Choose Search and Replace from the Note Mover menu. In the next two dialog boxes, specify the way in which you want to search for and modify other occurrences of the selected notes; you return to the document. The Search menu now appears.

What it does

You can use Finale’s search-and-replace function to edit every occurrence of a particular motif, to correct every occurrence of a particular note to its enharmonic equivalent, or even to transpose every note of a particular rhythmic value that falls on a particular pitch.

Once you’ve specified the criteria for which you want to search and specified the way in which you want the selected motif transformed, this menu appears. You can use it to conduct the search process, telling Finale either to pause after it finds a match before continuing the search, or to search all measures in all staves, changing every occurrence it finds without waiting for your approval each time.

You can use Finale's search-and-replace function to edit every occurrence of a particular motif, to correct every occurrence of a particular note to its enharmonic equivalent, or even to transpose every note of a particular rhythmic value that falls on a particular pitch.

Once you've specified the criteria for which you want to search (in the Search and Replace dialog box) and specified the way in which you want the selected motif transformed (in the Alteration for Slot dialog box), this menu appears. You can use it to conduct the search process, telling Finale either to pause after it finds a match (while you decide whether or not you want to modify it) before continuing the search, or to search all measures in all staves, changing every occurrence it finds without waiting for your approval each time.




Replace Then Find

Replace All


Quit Search


For detailed information see the Search and Replace dialog box and Alteration for Slot dialog box.




Replace, Then Find

Replace All

Quit Search


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