You are here: How do I... > C > Chord symbols > Editing chords directly in the score

To edit chords directly in the score

  1. Click the Chord tool . The Chord menu appears.
  2. Choose Chord > Manual Input.
  3. Double-click on the chord symbol you want to change.
  4. If more than one chord is assigned to the same note, press the UP and DOWN ARROW to select the chord you want to edit.
  5. Select the portion of the chord you want to change, and type the change.
  6. Press enter to accept the change. Or, press SPACEBAR, or SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW to move to the next entry. Press TAB to move to the next measure, or click the next beat on which you want a chord to appear. To move to the previous entry, press SHIFT+SPACEBAR or SHIFT+LEFT ARROW. To move to the previous measure, press SHIFT+TAB.

If Finale doesn’t recognize the suffix a dialog box appears in which you can choose to add the suffix to the chord suffix library.



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