You are here: How do I... > T > Tuplets > Adjusting, moving, or deleting a tuplet

To adjust, move, or delete a tuplet

  1. Choose the Tuplet tool and click the first note of the tuplet. Handles appear on the tuplet bracket (or slur, or number).
  2. To reposition the entire tuplet, drag the main handle (which is unshaded).
  3. To change the length of the hook, drag the left or right hook handle. If you selected Match Length of Hooks in the Tuplet Definition dialog box, Finale automatically adjusts the other hook to the same length as you drag.
  4. To move the shape closer to or away from the notes, drag the shape handle up or down.
  5. To change the angle of the shape, drag the slope handle.
  6. To move the number closer to or away from the notes, drag the number handle.
  7. To delete the tuplet definition (and restore the notes to “normal”), click any handle and press DELETE.



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