You are here: How do I... > T > Ties > Adding or removing a tie (Speedy Entry Tool)

To add or remove a tie (Speedy Entry tool)

  1. Click the Speedy Entry tool, and click a measure. The editing frame appears.
  2. Click to position the cursor on the first note of the tied pair, or press the arrow keys to move the cursor. If you are adding a tie to a single note of a chord, use the UP or DOWN ARROW to position the crossbar squarely on the notehead; to tie every note in a chord, position the crossbar on any line or space not containing a notehead.
  3. Press the equal sign (=) key or T to add a tie. A tie appears. If the insertion point bar was on a line or space not containing a notehead, a tie appears on every note in the chord; if the crossbar was on a single notehead, only that note receives the tie. Remove tie by pressing the equal sign key again.



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