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Basic repeats

To create a backwards repeat bar that will return to the beginning of the score:

To define a forward and backward repeat barline at the same time:

  1. Click the Repeat tool . The Repeat menu
  2. Highlight the measures you would like to enclose within repeat barlines. (If the section is too large to see at once, click the first measure, and then hold down SHIFT and click the last measure of the desired region).
  3. Right-click the highlighted region and select Create Simple Repeat. Or choose Repeat > Create Simple Repeat. A forward and backward repeat barline appear on the first and last measure of the region respectively. Also, this section will repeat accordingly during playback.

There are several other options for creating repeat barlines. You could also right-click the fist measure of a section you would like to repeat and choose Create Forward Repeat and then right-click the last measure of the desired repeated section and choose Create Backward Repeat. Of course, instead of using the contextual menus (right-click), you can also click to select a measure and choose the desired option from the Repeat menu. This applies for all contextual measure selections described in this chapter.



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