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When you shrink notes, Finale automatically shrinks anything attached to them proportionally—lyrics, chord symbols, articulations and expressions, and so on. Under some circumstances, you may not want these attached items to change size along with the notes.


To prevent certain items from shrinking

Note: For lyrics, a simpler alternative to the method below is to specify a Fixed Size when you select a type size.

Note: For chords, a simpler alternative to the method below is to specify a Fixed Size in Document Options-Fonts.

  1. Open the selection dialog box that contains the entry you would like to remain a Fixed Size. For example, for an Articulation, choose the Articulation tool and double-click a note to open the Articulation Selection dialog box.
  2. Select the item in the list that you wish to remain a Fixed Size and choose Edit.
  3. Choose Set Font.
  4. Select Fixed Size. This will prevent your item from shrinking when you use the Resize tool.



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