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Edit Major and Minor Key Spellings dialog box

How to get there

Choose Edit > Enharmonic Spelling > Edit Major and Minor Key Spellings.

What it does

The Edit Major and Minor Key Spellings dialog box displays the enharmonic spelling Finale will use for chromatically altered notes if Use Spelling Tables is selected in the Enharmonic Spelling submenu. Finale uses these settings to determine the enharmonic spelling of non-diatonic notes in major and minor keys in your piece. You’ll notice that the settings in the tables refer to the notes as scale degrees rather than as actual note-names in a scale. This is because one table is used for all major keys and another for all minor keys. Each fixed scale degree is numbered, starting at step 1, which is the tonic (C in the key of C major, D in D major, and so on), up to step 7. Notes outside the scale (altered scale steps) entered in your piece will be raised or lowered by a half-step according to your settings.

See also:

Options/Enharmonic Spelling



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