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To set alignment and justification of syllables globally

  1. Click the Lyrics tool . The Lyrics menu appears.
  2. Choose Lyrics > Lyric Options. The Lyric Options appear.
  3. If you would like specific alignment and justification settings for word extensions, select the Syllables with Word Extensions check box and set the alignment and justification settings. For example, you could set the alignment and justification both to Left.
  4. If you would like specific alignment and justification settings for the first syllable in your score, select the First Syllable in Lyric check box and set the alignment and justification settings. For example, you could set the justification to Left and leave the alignment (relative to the note) to Center.
  5. If you would like specific alignment and justification settings for the first syllable of every system, select the Syllables at Start of System check box and set the alignment and justification settings. For example, you could set the justification to Left and leave the alignment (relative to the note) to Center or set both the alignment and justification to Left.
  6. Select the alignment and justification settings for the remainder of the syllables in your score using Others. The order of the alignment and justification items in the dialog box also indicate order of precedence. For example, if you have a syllable which is the first syllable in the system, but also has a word extension, the Syllables with Word Extensions settings will be used instead of the Syllables at Start of System (assuming you have both these items checked).
  7. Click OK.



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