A page containing only the title, composer,
and page text, and a note to “tacet” or “tacit” informs the player to
rest for that entire movement/act of a musical/etc. Creating such a page
in Finale is easy using linked parts.
- Open the document and choose Document > Manage Parts. The Manage Parts dialog box appears.
- Click New Part. A part appears in the
list above. To name the part, click Edit Part Definition > Edit
Part name. Click OK to return to the Manage Parts dialog box. The middle
column should be empty indicating no staves are selected.
- Click OK.
- Choose Document > Edit Part, and
then select the part you just created. Only the title, composer,
and any other page text blocs appear on the part.
- Choose the Text tool
- Click the page and type “Tacet” (or “Tacit”)
where desired. Use the text menu and other features of the Text
Tool to edit the page-attached text block. Use context menus to hide the
text block in other parts/score accordingly. See also Text tool.