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When an articulation is added to a note in a score or part, it appears in both. When an articulation is deleted from either the score or a part, it is removed from both.

The following properties of articulations are permanently shared between the score and parts:

The following table lists properties of articulations that are broken if changed in a part:

Note: Removing Manual Positioning in a part (e.g. selecting an articulation handle and pressing BACKSPACE) does not relink the articulation. In fact, doing so in a part breaks the positioning link.

Property change

Link type broken

Repositioning (nudge, drag, or H: V: values) including repositioning of second handle using "Copy the Main Symbol)


Remove Manual Positioning (BACKSPACE key)


Hide/Show setting



If your score was created in Finale 2006 or earlier, articulations will not automatically flip across the staff when appropriate when working with part voicing (see Part Voicing). To define an articulation’s definition so that it is optimized for use with linked parts:

  1. Choose the Articulation tool .
  2. Double-click the handle on the articulation you would like to change. The Articulation Designer dialog box appears where you can edit the definition for (all occurrences of) this articulation. See Articulation Designer dialog box.
  3. Choose Position > Auto Note/Stem Side.
  4. Click OK. Now, this articulation will flip to the other side of the staff when appropriate. For example, if a second voice or layer is added or removed while isolating voices in a part.



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