You are here: How do I... > G > Guitar > Adding hammer-ons, pull-offs and other guitar-specific markings
- Choose the Smart Shape tool
- Click the Slur tool
- Double click the first fret number. A slur will extend from the first fret number to the second.
- Hold down the Control key and click the Custom Line Tool
. You should now see the Smart Line Selection dialog box.
- Double-click the “H” to select a Hammer-On, or the ”P” for a Pull-Off. You will see many other guitar markings here as well including a bend (B), release (R), palm mute (P.M.), a let ring marking and others. See Guitar Markings for a complete list.
- Click the Select button.
- Double-click the first fret number and drag to the second. You will see the H or P appear above the fret number. You will see two handles below the hammer-on or pull-off indicating the endpoints of an invisible line. Click and drag either of these to position the H or P accordingly.
You can use predefined Metatools to quickly enter these items, and even program your own. See Metatools and To Program a Smart Shape Metatool for details. You can also enter several guitar markings as articulations. See Articulations.