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To place graphics into the score

Note: View the Importing graphics QuickStart Video for an overview.

  1. Choose Window > Advanced Tools. Click the Graphics tool . The Graphics menu appears.
  2. Choose Graphics > Place Graphic, or double-click on the document window where you want the graphic to appear. The Place Graphic dialog box appears, listing the available graphic formats in a drop-down list BMP, GIF, EPS, JPEG, PNG, WMF, or TIFF files.
  3. Choose one of the formats in the drop-down list to display only the files of the selected type in the current folder. Choose TIFF file (*.TIF), or Encapsulated PostScript Listing (*.EPS), or choose All Files (*.*) to display all files.
  4. From the scrolling list, select the graphics file you want to place, then click OK. A special cursor appears, indicating that a graphic is ready to be placed.
  5. Click on the measure (in Scroll View) that you want the graphic assigned to, or click on the screen where you want the graphic placed (in Page View). Finale assigns the graphic to the nearest measure in Scroll View. In Page View, Finale assigns the graphic to the page you clicked. The graphic appears at the position you clicked. When a graphic is selected, eight bounding rectangle handles appear.



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