You are here: How do I... > F > Fretboard diagrams > Showing and hiding fretboards on individual chords (Manual Input)

To show fretboards on all chords, choose Show Fretboards from the Chord menu. When selected, fretboards will appear on all chords in the score, except for those chords where you specifically hide the fretboard.

To show and hide fretboards on individual chords (Manual Input)

  1. Click the Chord tool . The Chord menu appears.
  2. Choose Chord > Manual Input.
  3. Click on the note containing the chord you want to edit.
  4. Double-click the handle of the chord. The Chord Definition dialog box appears.
  5. Under Show, uncheck Fretboard. Click OK. You return to the document, where the fretboard no longer appears for that chord. (If you later decide you want the fretboard to appear, check the Show Fretboard box.)



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