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Finale allows you to copy and paste or insert across documents just as you would copy within the same document. (See To copy and paste using the clipboard). You could use these methods to merge two or more documents manually. However, if you would like to combine two or more separate files, such as several movements of a piece into a single document, there are many additional considerations beyond the musical elements that can be copied including measure numbers, staff settings, Score Lists, pagination, and more.

Finale includes a tool called Score Merger which is specifically designed to allow you to combine several files into one automatically.

To combine files with Score Merger

Note: Score Merger also allows you to merge files vertically. To combine several parts into a conductors score, see To merge part files into a score with Score Merger.

  1. Choose File > Score Merger. The Score Merger dialog box appears. See Score Merger dialog box.
  2. Click Add Files. The "Select the files to merge" dialog box appears. Navigate to the files you would like to merge.
  3. Select the files you would like to merge and click Open. Hold down CTRL and click to select multiple files. The files appear in the Score Merger list box alphabetically. Select a file and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons if you need to change the order.
  4. Ensure the Merge These Files Into One File radio button is selected. The subsequent check boxes allow you to append the merged files to the current open document, specify measure numbering, and customize how the staff merging is handled.  If you check Edit Instrument Junction Between Files, you will be prompted to review and/or edit the way Score Merger deals with instrument staves individually. See Instrument Junction dialog box for details.
  5. Click Merge. Finale prompts you to choose a location for the merged file.
  6. Select a destination for the merged file and click Save. Score Merger processes the files based on your settings. If Edit Instrument Junction Between Files was checked, you are prompted with the instrument merging details for each file as it is merged. Make any desired changes and click Continue. When the merge is complete, the Score Merger Report appears with an overview of the results as shown below.

  7. Click Close. The Score Merger Report closes and the merged document appears in the active window ready for your review.

There are a few more details to bear in mind while merging files with Score Merger:



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