You are here: How do I... > C > Clefs > Inserting a clef change at the beginning of a measure

You can also use this method to set the clef at the beginning of a staff.

To insert a clef change at the beginning of a measure

Note: View the Changing the clef QuickStart Video for an overview.

  1. Click the Clef tool . Double-click the measure where you want the clef to change. The Change Clef dialog box appears.
  2. Click to highlight the clef you want.
  3. In the Measure __ Through __ text boxes, enter the measures you want to be affected by this clef change. When you enter the dialog box, both text boxes show the current measure number. If you want the clef to change all measures to the end of the piece, choose the second measure region button in the dialog box.
  4. Click OK (or press ENTER).



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