You are here: How do I... > B > Brackets:Staves > Placing a bracket on grouped staves

Finale allows you to define only one bracket for each group you create. However, if you want to place more than one bracket on a group, there’s an easy way to do so. See “To create additional (nested) brackets, below.”

To place a bracket on grouped staves

  1. Click the Staff tool . The Staff menu appears.
  2. If you haven’t yet created the group, do so now. See Groups—To group staves.
  3. Click a group handle, then choose Staff > Edit Group Attributes. Or, double-click a group handle. (Or, choose Staff > Edit Group Attributes without selecting a group.) The Group Attributes dialog box appears. To display the attributes of another group, click the arrow controls to select another Group ID number.
  4. Choose one of the bracket styles in the Group Attributes dialog box to select the style you want to use for the group.
  5. Specify the position of the bracket in relation to the group. In the Distance from Left Edge of Staff text box, enter the distance, in measurement units, that Finale should place the bracket from the left edge of the staff. A negative number moves the bracket to the left. Enter numbers into the Vertical Adjust (Top of Bracket) and Vertical Adjust (Bottom of Bracket) text boxes for the distance to extend the upper and lower ends of the bracket in relation to the top of the top staff and the bottom of the bottom staff, respectively. To align the bracket’s ends evenly with the top and bottom lines of the group, enter a value of zero. A positive number for either option moves the bracket’s end upward.
  6. Click OK to add the bracket and dismiss the dialog box.



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