Select a note and press numpad * or
and press an articulation Metatool key to add an articulation to the note. For example, A for an accent, S for staccato,
etc. Click Select (or press Enter) to open the Articulation Selection
dialog box where you can choose from a list of articulations. (Note the
Metatool assignment appears in the upper right corner of each articulation
in the Articulation Selection dialog box.)
Press CTRL+numpad * or CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+A and then press an articulation
Metatool key (or click select or press Enter to choose an articulation)
to add a sticky articulation to the caret and mouse cursor. Now,
the chosen articulation will appear on all notes entered until the sticky
articulation is removed. Press CTRL+numpad * or CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+A again to remove the articulation
from the caret and mouse cursor.