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Advanced Tools palette

How to get there

From the Window menu, choose Advanced Tools Palette.

What it does

This palette contains the Special Tools Tool, Note Mover tool, Graphics tool, MIDI tool, Ossia tool, Mirror tool, and Tempo tool.

Graphics Tool .

Use this tool to exchange PostScript and bitmap graphics between programs.

MIDI tool .

This tool lets you edit the actual MIDI data that Finale stores with your music.

Mirror Tool .

With this tool you can create one-measure intelligent copies, or mirrors - groups of notes that are dynamically linked to other notes in the score (the source material).

Note Mover Tool .

This tool lets you move one note at a time (or several within a measure) to another measure, even on a different staff.

Ossia Tool .

Use this tool to create floating measures—one-bar alternative passages that you can place anywhere in the score.

Special Tools Tool .

This tool lets you create a number of special beaming, stemming, and note positioning changes in one measure at a time.

Tempo tool .

The Tempo tool lets you create or edit a stream of data describing tiny, moment-by-moment tempo fluctuations within the playback of your piece.



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